We celebrated Christmas Eve this year with My Dad & brother. We had it at our house, instead of my parents. I think this was just the "easier "way to do this year..... We went to the 5:00 candlelight service at our church. Then came home and had a pork roast with all kinds of things to go with it. Then we opened presents..LOTS of them! My Mom was "known" for spoiling the boys, and I think my Dad wanted to do less, but still, went a little crazy :) The boys got sooo much fun stuff! I got a really cool ring that says "Always my daughter, now too my friend." My Dad said that it was from my mom, but actually it makes me think of both of them. He got me lots of other sentimental things too! Thanks Dad :) I got my brother and my Dad the shirts that have the bible verse, Isaiah 40:31, which we had read at my Mom's funeral and was marked in her bible. We had a great Christmas Eve!

The boys opened these new pj's on Christmas Eve. They were so sad to say goodbye to "Super Elf", so I let them kiss him goodbye, until next year :( Then we sprinkled our magic reindeer food outside for Rudolph.....Of course we also left Santa some eggnog and homemade cookies!

Yea! It is Christmas morning! Santa was here :) He brought Matthew his IPOD shuffle and Pokemon Ranger DS game, he left Michael his Smart Cycle and his Kung Fu Panda DS game. He also left a very cool new basketball game AND some really full stockings!
Dave and I were not "really" supposed to exchange, because we got a new television(not here yet), but a BIG gift! I still got a Wii Fit(a family gift too) and he got a new blue tooth wireless speaker for his car. The Wii fit is so cool! The boys and I played it today, and had a blast :) P.S. I CANNOT ski!
In the pictures above, you can see a few highlights. I LOVE the new bags that I got for the boys Webkinz. They are so cute!
We are on Christmas break here, which I LOVE, but I will be posting here and there....
I had a wonderful Christmas and am so blessed and thankful to God to have such wonderful family and friends! I am looking forward to 2009.....