Good times....

We spent Father's Day weekend at the Lake with some friends...I missed spending the day with my Dad and Dave's Dad. We actually spent Monday evening with Dave's Dad, went to dinner and to see Annie at the theater. We got to see my Dad for a little while today(he watched the boys while I got my hair cut) and I still owe him dinner :) I know Dave had a great time celebrating Father's Day at the Lake. I think he really liked his gift too! I decided to surprise him and got him the portable Bose system for our IPOD. He is such a wonderful Father & Husband and I am so blessed!
Summer break is flying by...way too fast :(
We have been swimming quite a bit and the boys have had LOTS of baseball games.
It has been SOO HOT here, Saturday is predicted to be 100 degrees :( YUCK!
I hope everyone is having a great summer! I am trying to catch up on my blogging.....