Friday was a busy day filled with; breakfast with the 1st grade moms, playing with friends during A.R. testing at school, Matthew's soccer game and then dinner at Red Robin with awesome friends, and finally a sleepover at our house with Antonio :)

Saturday morning started with apple pancakes for the boys and a soccer game, then a yummy lunch from the church BBQ. Then we were off to the pumpkin patch to find the "perfect" pumpkin to carve. We went with our friends, Dave, Denise & Delaney..... Delaney and Matthew are in the same class and are great friends :) We had some much fun, riding the swings, the airplanes, watching the pig races, eating funnel cake & kettle corn, feeding the goats, screaming through the "haunted house", picking apples and pumpkins and soo much more! Afterwords we had a great Mexican dinner and watched the football game....
We came home, took quick showers, and all laid down to watch television and fell FAST asleep in less than 10 minutes at 9:00. I slept soundly, until this morning when Michael woke me up at 7:45 AM to whisper in my ear that he had went potty in his "pull-up"....
Guess what, there was NO PULL-UP :)

Soo Sunday was laundry(the sheets), church, more laundry and a very fun Halloween party at our friends Lori & Dave's house, with pizza, mummy hot dogs, pumpkin painting & more...It was the 1st time this year that the boys were able to wear their costumes.
Then Matthew was off to a play date while Michael & I ran a few errands, David was working on projects and watching the football game. Then tonight we went to our second small group bible study; we are still studying
Fireproof, and once again really enjoyed ourselves. It is a wonderful group of people that Dave & I feel blessed to be learning more about God's Word with.....
I am so thankful for another wonderful & blessed weekend with my family & friends!
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7