I am way behind in my blogging. I have been babysitting for my friends two girls(15 months & 4 years) fro the last 6 weeks, and I am WAY to busy to keep up with my blogging! My last day is tomorrow! I will be glad to be back to just the boys, but will miss Katie & Sophie too!
Here is a quick update...Matthew has his last day of school on Friday, and boy are we ready...ALL of us! The Moms from school and I keep counting down the days!!! I am ready for summer :)

Matthew had his "Flat Stanley" party this week. Such a cute thing you send your Flat Stanley to a friend that lives out of town and they take Stanley on adventures with them, take pictures and document it in a little book. Then it gets mailed back to school and shared with the student and all of their classmates. Matthew chose to send his to our friends in Wisconsin. He was so excited to read about all of the adventures that Stanley had while on his trip to Wisconsin. Thanks to Lucy, George & Magnolia for taking care of Stanley for Matthew :)
We had a great Memorial Day weekend, a fun dinner out with friends, several BBQ's with friends, Dave, Matthew & Michael, put flags on the graves of soldiers with the cub scouts; and we went to a carnival with some friends. We even found time to relax :)
Dave's Mom had a routine procedure done last week that ended up putting her in the hospital, having a major surgery and scaring us to death! She is better, still in ICU, but surgery showed minor things, NO CANCER!! An answer to our prayers!
I wish I had more time, but I have way to much to do. Hopefully I will be back on track soon!