It seems like just yesterday, that I was on the way to the hospital to be induced, with my sweet Michael. I had a very easy labor, I was induced two weeks early at 4:30pm on March 23rd, and delivered Michael Daniel weighing 5lbs 9 oz at 7:19 PM. Michael was such a good baby he nursed until he was 18 months old. He was a good sleeper until he turned two.... :) He is my "spirited child". He has such a big heart, but likes to "march to the beat of his own drum".... Michael is the one that makes my Dad's eyes twinkle, he just laughs when I tell him the latest thing that Michael has done. Apparently, I am getting a taste of how I was.(Hard to believe, I know :) )
We had dinner & celebrated at Red Robin with my Dad last night and with cake and presents.
He got so many fun things, Wii games and new books.
I bought him a new pillow..... a couple of months ago, I bought a new pillow for myself, and he has been nuts about it, So I decided to get him his own. Matthew got him a Pokemon DS game. Daddy got him the hamburger slider cooker, which he has been wanting for months! He also got Bolt and a new DVD player of his own, it is portable and "kid tough".
His actual family/friend party will be on Saturday, we are having it at a local soccer club and Michael is counting down the days!