This post is dedicated to my Dad who turned 60 years "young" today.....My Dad is a wonderful man. He loves the Lord! He was a wonderful husband, he is a wonderful father to my brother & I, a great father-n-law to David, and he is a wonderful Grammpy to Matthew & Michael. We are so blessed to have my Dad in our lives, he is a very wise man, who is still teaching me/us new things all the time. I hope he knows how proud of him I am and how much I love him!
Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
Deuteronomy 5:16
Me & Dad 1977


David, Dad & Me for Dad's 34th Birthday-1982
My Dad & Mom in 1987

60 things about my Dad…..
1. He is a very picky eater
2. Still works full time
3. Contracted polio when he was 4
4. Very good at Math
5. My son Michael is named after him: Michael Daniel
6. Generous
7. Has a very strong faith in the Lord
8. He is Baptist
9. Was in a near fatal car wreck in 1980
10. Was an only child
11. Loves peeps
12. Loves finger Jell-O
13. Has a better television than me
14. His middle name is Revis (his Grandmother’s maiden name)
15. Loves pancakes
16. Does not like going to the dentist
17. Saw Fireproof already and loved it!
18. Loves to watch “sappy” movies
19. Used to work PT at a gas station
20.Used to go to 6 Flags, EVEN on crutches
21. Not as easy to “trick” as my Mom
22.Pretty strict growing up
23.He is “saved”!!!!
24.Has a really cool audio Bible
25.Spent months sitting day after day with my Mom, when she was sick
26.Just lost his Mother last month
27.Loves music from “his time”.
28.Loves to watch my boys
29.Likes video games
30.Follows my blog
31. Likes his “alone” time
32.Loves to read the Sunday Paper
33.Likes spice cupcakes
34.Loves hamburgers & turkey burgers.
35.He is a wonderful Dad!
36.Knows everything about computers
37.Has worked at the college in computers, since I was born
38.Used to drink Coke like crazy
39.LOVES sugar cookies at Christmas
40.Sings, Presents, Presents, Present..
41. Used to “tump” me in the toilet J
42.Has a wonderful heart
43.Helps others
44.Took me for my birthday, after my mom died to buy a piece of jewelry to remember her by, it was something I will never forget!
45. Was married to my Mom for 37 years
46.Used to collect bears
47.Loved shopping and wrapping Christmas presents for my Mom when I was little.
48.Used to visit my Grandmother at the nursing home all the time
49.Never drink alcohol
50.Used to love jelly beans
51. Used to love Chuckles(see 16)
52.Had good manners
53.Loves pot roast
54.Likes rice crispies
55.Loves white & cherry iced donuts
56.Drives a huge red accessible van (very well)
57.Reads A LOT!
58.Has many wonderful friends
59.Is going to vote in one month for…..
60.Is 60 Today
Happy Birthday Daddy!
I love you!
What a great list of 60 things!! I love the "vintage" pictures!!!
Happy Birthday!!
What a wonderful dad you have! I love your list of 60 things about him, it is very sweet and I just LOVE that he took you to buy a piece of jewelry after your mom died. That one really tugs at my heart. All of the pictures are wonderful too, what a great post!
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