My Hi's this week....
Matthew had his ENT appt . and his tubes are still in and look good! I also had a wonderful lunch with him!
My Dad & brother came over for dinner on Sunday night. I love cooking for them :)
We had TWO days with temps in the 60's , I was able to get in two nice walks and playtime for the boys.
*Matthew lost his tooth about 1 hour ago and he is so excited!!!
My Lo's this week....
The start of colds for all of us....
I have no change..looks like the tooth fairy is leaving $5.00
Man what a little cutie...how can you stand it??? Esp. even more with that tooth missing. Tooth fairy is very generous with a 5, I only got change when I was little...
Have a great weekend!
I am glad that the ENT appt had a good outcome....you had us all wondering after your last post!!
Looks like the toothfairy will be paying a visit to your house:)
Have a wonderful weekend and stay healthy!
Glad your ENT appt. went well..what a blessing..hope your colds go away quickly!
sandy toe
I love you cooking for us also!! Also, just read about your day with Matt...aww! : )
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