This is just another reason that I have not posted in a few days...We are finally moving forward with our remodeling. The installation of our new hardwood floors started today. We are getting new granite counter tops and a new undermount sink too! For now we are keeping the cabinets... So my wonderful husband and been working like crazy for days to get the kitchen ready for the new floors. So I have things stuck in bins all over the house and no kitchen to cook in :(
I am glad our Easter here is not until next weekend....my Dad is coming Saturday for dinner, but we will BBQ.
Even though things are crazy right now, I know I will love it when it it is done :)
Now if I could just pick my paint colors!
Today I attended Matthew's field trip to the zoo, it was a beautiful sunny day, but very cold. When I was getting ready to leave this morning, Michael was upset( he is velcro to his Mommy). He wanted to know why I had to go with Matthew. I explained that I had to do things with both Matthew & him, that they each get their own days with Mommy. Michael said, "Mommy,don't you know that I am special, have you seen my "palace"? He pointed to his mouth, and then said "Matthew is special too, because of his "palace". Matthew's "palace" is actually Matthew's cleft lip and palate. I just thought that this was such a sweet and innocent thing to say. In the last few months, Matthew has started to ask more questions about his cleft, and we have always told him that God made him special.....

I had a wonderful time on the field trip with Matthew, he is such a good boy and love his school and friends. We had fun looking for ocean animals that relate to Matthew's diorama assignment, due on Thursday. We finished it tonight and it turned out really cool! (I will post a picture later). We are now in "full swing" baseball season, both boys are playing, Matthew is on two teams, and Michael just one. So that is where you will find me for the next couple of months.
I hope everyone is having a great week!
*I will be updating tomorrow too, my friend Lucy had her precious baby boy...he and Mom are both healthy-still waiting for his "stats".
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13
1 comment:
Can't wait to see your new kitchen....even though it is tough to live through the construction phase, it will be worth every minute when you are finshed!!
Happy Easter to you and your family!!
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