We had a nice Thanksgiving "break". We had Thanksgiving with Dave's Dad and family on Wed. night. Then on Thursday AM, we had brunch at Natalie's with her and Brent's parents and family. Then we came home to begin the cooking for our Thanksgiving dinner. I made turkey, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, peas, broccoli cheese casserole, cranberry fluff, rolls and pumpkin trifle. We had dinner with my Dad, my brother, Dave's mom and my Aunt Susie. It was a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. It was bittersweet not having my Mom here. I was thinking that I spent 34 Thanksgivings with her, 34! So of course it is going to be different, not having her here for holidays and other special occasions.
My Dad wrote this prayer for us, it was really beautiful!
Father, there is someone conspicuously absent from our table today...a sister, a wife, a mother, a grandmother.
Lord, any tears we have shed are for ourselves, not for her, for we have complete faith in where she is this very minute, where every day is a thanksgiving unto you and your son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father today, we truly and humbly give thanks that you have released her from the earthly body that had become her prison, to a place with no more pain, no braces, no crutches, no wheelchairs, no oxygen tanks, and yes, no nursing homes.
Thanks Dad, I know you miss her, and so do we!!
Friday, I met Natalie at 5:20 AM and we spent the next 7 hours shopping for DEALS! We had a great time and came home with lots of things... mostly for the kids. Last year, was our 1st year for this, and now it has become "our tradition".
Friday night, we went too dinner with our friends Hunter & Vicki. They were in from Tennessee and it was so great to see them and hang out. We miss them so much... *Look for a special post about my friend Vicki this week.....
On Saturday, we went to a tree farm, in the "country" to pick out the "perfect" tree..... We normally use an artificial tree, but this year ours got wet and we had to throw it away. Since we are still in "construction mode", and are not sure how big of a tree we want to buy, we thought it would be fun for the kids and us to experience the fun cutting down your own tree. It was the perfect cold and crisp day. We rode in a wagon, out to the field, and picked our tree. Afterwords, we enjoyed a nice cup of hot chocolate and let the kids ride the little train around the trees....It was a great day. I will post pictures of our decorated tree, later this week.....
We adopted a new tradition this year, Elf On The Shelf, Thanksgiving night, when we read the book and introduced our new friend(they named "Super Elf"), the boys were a little unsure. Matthew said, he was not sure if he "believed" or not, and Michael was scared to death!
The last 3 mornings have been spent with searching for Super Elf the minute their feet hit the floor. They are so excited and I have heard them tell each other more than once, that "The elf is watching"..... This is such a wonderful tradition to start with your family.
We spent today celebrating Thanksgiving with Dave's Mom and family. Tonight we had our small group bible study, we are still studying Fireproof. I am really enjoying it!
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....we even had a couple inches of snow here today :)
*P.S. This is my 50th post!
Your Thanksgiving holiday sounded just perfect......and the prayer that your Dad wrote was just beautiful!!
Well, one more holiday down....I cannot believe how close Christmas is.....I am in total panic mode already!!
Have a great week!
Sounded like a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family and friends! The poem your dad wrote is beautiful. I can't imagine how much you are missing her this holiday season. Your dad seems like a real pillar for you and your family.
Your Christmas tree experience sounded perfect! Hope you like having a fresh tree as much as I do...the smell alone makes me so unbelievably happy! :)
I heard about Elf on the Shelf last Christmas but had forgotten about it until now...I've got to get one! Hilarious that the boys are a little unsure, scared, and feel him "watching." LOL!
You're crazy for doing that shopping on black friday but then again you've always had more energy than anyone I know! Hope you found some good deals. Glad I was on the island because otherwise I would have been tempted to go out too! :)
Thanks for all your comments on my blog and thanks for the reminder that your mom is watching over our girls, it brought tears to my eyes!
Take care and can't wait to see your tree up and decorated!
Love, Lucy
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