It is all women, and either you "host" a table, or you are "invited" to one. Dinner is provided and the hostess sets their own table of ten and supplies dessert. I missed last years, so this was my first one. I was invited by my friend Bev, to sit at her table. The table looked beautiful; it was decorated with a silver tree and blue ornaments and decorations. We had beautiful silver accented plates to eat on. We also had ornaments to take home, one silver snowflake and one snowflake with our name on it. After we had dinner, we had a story read to us about CHRISTmas. Then we sang Christmas carols and finished with all of us holding a candle in the dark, singing Silent Night. It was really beautiful! I have to admit, I was a little sad singing the songs. First, I LOVE music and Christmas carols always remind of the reason for the season, the birth of our savior. Also I was thinking of my Mom, I was remembering her singing the same songs, all of my life. I guess that when you spend 34 Christmas's with someone, it is hard to imagine them not there anymore...especially this time of the year!

This Christmas ... Let's Give a Little Jesus, a thoughtful word or deed,
An act of generosity for someone who's in need.
Let's Give a Little Jesus to everyone we meet --
The salesclerk or the server, the person on the street.
Let's Give a Little Jesus, that's what really counts --
Not what's spent or bought, for whom, in what amounts.
Let's give a little Jesus to everyone, large or small...
For Jesus, the Messiah, is the Greatest Gift of All!
Poetry of Lisa Engelhardt
The angel said unto them .... For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Luke 2:11
Sounds like a beautiful evening!
I can imagine your sadness you feel not having your mom here. I can imagine after 34 years how hard it is not to have her this year. The holidays tend to make us miss those we love and miss that much more. I haven't been able to enjoy Christmas since I lost my girls. Silent Night always gets me but nothing more than Oh Holy Night. Your mom is with you, looking over you and walking through this pain with you. She would be so proud of your strength and the love you have for your family and friends.
xoxo lucy
Sounds like a beautiful dinner!!
I was feeling the tears well up in my eyes when I read what you wrote about your Mother, than I came here to comment and read Lucy's comment and the tears are now streaming down my face.....I have a hard time getting through both of those songs without crying...especially the year we were blessed with Sarah. She was just 4 weeks old on Christmas Eve and we took her to the 5:30 Mass at is the children's mass and it is absolutely beautiful and very moving. I could not stop crying.....tears of joy for our little miracle and tears of sadness for her birthmother who gave up her child.
The holidays are such an emotional time of year...I know it will be hard to get through without feeling the loss of your Mother. Try to remember the special times you shared together and know that she is smiling down on you!!
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Sounds lovely. The true meaning of this season never loses its splendor
What a nice evening! And what a wonderful message! :o)
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